SUNLAB students awarded scholarships

Congratulations to SUNLAB students Gavin Forcade, Mandy Lewis, Ras-Jeevan Obhi and Annie Russell on receiving prestigious scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Both Gavin Forcade and Mandy Lewis have been awarded an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship. This scholarship rewards top-level graduate students at Canadian institutions with the goal of enabling "a high-quality research training experience for award holders" and fostering "impacts within and beyond the research environment." Gavin is a PhD physics candidate and Mandy is a PhD electrical engineering candidate.

PhD electrical engineering candidate Annie Russell has been awarded a Postgraduate scholarship - Doctoral program. This support will allow her to "fully concentrate on their studies and to seek out the best research mentors in their chosen fields".

Ras-Jeevan Obhi has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's program. This scholarship is meant to develop trainee research skills by "supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies." Ras-Jeevan is an MASc electrical engineering candidate.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (retrieved May 4, 2021). Postgraduate Programs.


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